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Legal Representation Committee

When a family is involved in a child welfare proceeding, quality legal counsel is essential for all parties to ensure that the court strikes the appropriate balance between the rights and duties of all parties involved. The Children’s Commission has maintained a Legal Representation Committee (LRC) since its inception. The Committee exists to identify training needs, advise child welfare system stakeholders on best legal and judicial system practices, evaluate proposed statutory amendments, assess the quality of legal representation throughout the state, and help ensure that court proceedings guard due process, promote child and family engagement, and produce quality legal representation outcomes for the children and families involved.

In 2017, the Children’s Commission conducted an extensive survey and research project on legal representation. The study culminated in a report to the Texas Legislature in September 2018 entitled Supreme Court of Texas Children’s Commission 2018 Study of Legal Representation in Child Protection Cases. Based on the recommendation of the study, the Children's Commission formed a Task Force on Court-Appointed Legal Representation to engage in dialogue with stakeholders and reach agreement on recommendations that could be presented to the Texas Legislature on the statutory and systemic reforms required to help ensure high-quality legal representation for parties involved in child welfare cases. The Final Report of the Task Force on Court-Appointed Legal Representation was released in May 2021. The report made several recommendations to raise the quality of court-appointed legal representation, including the creation of legal representation pilots that adopt different models of providing quality legal representation. 

Tool Kits for Attorneys

2024 Tool Kit for Attorneys Representing the Department of Family and Protective Services in Child Welfare Cases

The 2024 Tool Kit for Attorneys Representing the Department of Family and Protective Services in Child Welfare Cases is now available in the following formats:

2024 Tool Kit for Attorneys Representing Parents and Children in Child Welfare Cases

The 2024 Tool Kit for Attorneys Representing Parents and Children in Child Welfare Cases is available in the following formats:

Attorney-Client Materials

Please visit the sections below to learn more about our current projects or the Reports & Resources page for additional materials.

For Children, Youth, and Young Adults

Brochures Explaining the Attorney’s Role for Children or Youth in a Child Welfare Case

The What Does an Attorney for a Child or Youth do in a CPS Case? brochure explains the responsibilities to a child or youth client and how to resolve issues between the attorney and the client. The document is available for download below and may be helpful for judges to have available in the courtroom, courthouse library or information center.      

  • What Does an Attorney for a Child or Youth do in a CPS Case? 
    • PDF (print from home/office device)
    • PDF (with bleed/crop marks for professional printers)

Coloring Book: Sam and the Search for Spots - How Your Lawyer Can Help You

The Children’s Commission Legal Representation Committee created a coloring book designed to help children ages 6-12 understand the role of an attorney ad litem for a child and the attorney-client relationship in a child welfare case. The coloring book was developed by a workgroup which included law professors, board-certified child welfare law experts, and youth with lived experience in foster care and is designed to help children and caregivers discuss what makes an attorney ad litem for the child different from other people in the child’s case and how the attorney can help the child during the case through counseling and advocacy.

This publication is available in two formats at the links below: to print on a personal device, and for commercial print.

In English:

In Spanish: 

For assistance or inquiries about this publication, please contact Jessica Arguijo at

Video Series: Youth Voice Videos Explaining the Attorney-Client Relationship

“Your Lawyer Works for You.” Is a two-part video series designed for youth to explain the attorney-client relationship. The videos are a collaboration between the Children’s Commission and the Texas Network of Youth Services (TNOYS) Young Adult Leadership Council (YALC) and features young adults formerly in foster care discussing their experiences with their attorneys, articulating basics about the attorney-client relationship, and helping youth understand how to resolve problems with their attorneys. The videos are available on the Children’s Commission's YouTube playlist and the TNOYS YouTube Channel.

For Parents

Brochures Explaining the Attorney’s Role for Parents in a Child Welfare Case

The What Does a Parent's Attorney do in a CPS Case? brochure explains the responsibilities to a parent client and how to resolve issues between the attorney and the client. The document is available below and may be helpful for judges to have available in the courtroom, courthouse library or information center.

  • What Does a Parent's Attorney Do in a CPS Case? 
    • PDF (print from home/office device)
    • PDF (with bleed/crop marks for professional printers)

Pamphlet: Fathers' Rights in CPS Cases: What You Need to Know

The Children’s Commission Legal Representation Committee has completed a resource pamphlet highlighting fathers’ rights when involved in a CPS case. Modeled after the Commission’s What Does a Parent's Attorney do in a CPS Case? pamphlet, Fathers' Rights in CPS Cases: What You Need To Know uses accessible language to inform fathers of their basic rights in child welfare legal proceedings and explains the different legal statuses for fathers. The pamphlet is available below for PDF download. To request pamphlets for your jurisdiction, please contact the Children’s Commission at

  • To print from home or office printer:
  • Professional print (with bleeds): 

Rights of Incarcerated Parents in CPS Cases

The Children’s Commission Legal Representation Committee developed a poster as a resource highlighting the rights of incarcerated parents in a CPS case. This resource identifies basic rights in child welfare legal proceedings and explains how parents can participate in the case and in their child’s life, subject to the rules of the institution where they are incarcerated. The poster is available for PDF download below:

Rights of Incarcerated Parents