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Legal Essentials and Beyond for Representing Parents and Children
in Child Welfare Cases

January 12, 2024
8:30 a.m. - 3:45 p.m.

County Court at Law One
Williamson County Justice Center

405 Martin Luther King
Georgetown, Texas 78626

Judge Brandy Hallford, Williamson County Court at Law One, in partnership with the Supreme Court of Texas Permanent Judicial Commission for Children, Youth, and Families, invites you to Legal Essentials and Beyond for Representing Parents & Children in Child Welfare Cases.

This one-day training is designed to meet the education requirements in Texas Family Code Sections 107.004 and 107.0131 for attorneys to qualify for court appointments on the Williamson County child protection docket or to qualify to remain on the Williamson County court-appointed attorney list. The State Bar has approved the course for six hours of MCLE, including two hours of ethics. Lunch will be provided and there is no cost to attend.

The program will include presentations on a statutory overview of a child welfare case; nuts and bolts of representing parents and children in child welfare cases; preventing burnout; evidence and preserving the record for appeal; as well as a child welfare legislative and case law update. The Agenda at a Glance, Course Descriptions, and Speaker Biographies are below.  

Additional details regarding the event, including course materials and MCLE, will be provided on this webpage closer to the event.

Registration is now closed. 


Course Materials:


PowerPoint Presentations:


Venue Information:

County Court at Law One
Williamson County Justice Center
405 Martin Luther King
Georgetown, Texas 78726

Parking is available and free


Helpful Links:

Texas Children’s Commission

For assistance or to submit questions, please email