Collaborative Council
The Collaborative Council assists the Children’s Commission by informing commission members of local and statewide activities, events, and issues that affect judicial and court practices in child welfare cases, and to help facilitate participation in Children’s Commission activities and grant-funded projects.
The Collaborative Council is composed of child welfare stakeholders and advocates, as well as child and parent advocates who seek participation and formal input into the activities, projects, and strategies undertaken by the Children’s Commission. Collaborative Council members serve at the discretion of the Children’s Commission for no set term. Vacancies on the Collaborative Council may occur at any time during the year as a result of resignation or removal due to inactivity. Three consecutive absences from Children’s Commission meetings or non-participation by the Collaborative Council member on assigned committees may result in removal from the Collaborative Council. Collaborative Council members who attend Commission meetings are provided the opportunity to provide comments, ask questions, or provide information of interest to Commissioners and others. Collaborative Council members can also contact the Children’s Commission directly to submit comments, information, and announcements.
Collaborative Council Membership List
Additional Documents