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Hon. Roy B. Ferguson

Judge, 394th District Court

Judge Roy Ferguson presides over the largest judicial district in Texas, covering roughly 20,000 square miles and including over 20% of the US-Mexico Border. Prior to his election in 2012, Judge Ferguson served Far West Texas through private practice in Marfa. He is an avid proponent of equal access to justice for all Texans, and a frequent educational speaker to lawyers and judges across the country. An early adopter of technological innovation, Judge Ferguson has conducted over 1,000 virtual hearings and presided over a fully virtual jury trial and several virtual grand jury empanelments.

Judge Ferguson is active in the State Bar of Texas, having served on the governing boards of the GPSOLO, Judicial, and Computer & Technology Sections, in addition to serving on the Judicial Committee on Information Technology, Uniform Case Management System Study Group, Judicial Needs Assessment Committee, and Texas Judicial Council Civil Justice Committee’s Advisory Council. He is Chair of the Texas Children’s Commission Virtual Bench Book Workgroup, and subcommittee chair of the Texas Supreme Court’s Remote Proceedings Task Force. Judge Ferguson is a sustaining life fellow of the Texas Bar Foundation, a member of the Texas Bar College, and a member of the Champion of Justice Society.