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Judicial Trauma Institute

The Judicial Trauma Institute was presented live on April 22-23, 2021 via webcast. The content was designed by Commission staff in partnership with the Statewide Collaborative on Trauma-Informed Care (SCTIC) Training Workgroup and hosted by the Texas Center for the Judiciary. The Judicial Trauma Institute is relevant for any Texas judge or stakeholder interested in learning more about trauma and trauma-informed court practices and to discover practical tools and resources about how to become a trauma-informed and trauma-responsive court.

The conference session replays and materials are available below.

Pre-Conference Materials:

Day 1

Breaking the Cycle by Solving for Pattern



Starting the Case with Family Strengths in Mind



Addressing Behavioral Health Needs with a Trauma-Informed Lens



Day 2:

Effects of Secondary Trauma and Tools for Addressing the Everyday and the Crisis Moments



Learning from the Experts: A Panel Discussion on Lived Experience



Judicial Panel on Developing a Trauma-Informed Court



Implementation and Sustaining the Effort
